Westmoreland Sanctuary
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The Environmental Education Center

Help us build the Environmental Education Center so we can continue providing you with the best possible services.


Project Budget: $1,300,000
Funds raised $560,000

Environmental Education Center

Our Need

The additional classroom will allow us to:

  • Divide classes into smaller, more focused groups
  • Avoid disruption from public visitors during programs
  • Allow for social distancing


These elements are important to perform our unique New York State Next Generation Science Standard programs. These programs are customized for each participating school or group, depending on their needs. This allows us to provide a rich, immersive experience while still meeting high academic standards.

Our Current Capacity


We maintain 640 acres and we host scouts, schools, camps, public programs, educational birthday parties, internships, and science research students, averaging 7,000 students in non-pandemic years. Additionally, we receive an estimated 55,000 recreational visitors a year. We have remained open throughout the pandemic, and have increased our number of programs in order to accommodate social distancing guidelines. Community demand continues to grow for our experiential teaching platform.


Our Mission & History


Our mission is to acquire, conserve, and enrich land for the free use, enjoyment, and education of all. Westmoreland Sanctuary received its first official land donation of 85 acres in 1968 from Helen Clay Frick. Later, a church built in the 1700s was moved from Guard Hill Road and rebuilt in 1973 as the Sanctuary’s Nature Center. At that time, this structure was sufficient to accommodate visitors, school programs and the occasional school visit and guided hike. Since then, we have steadily grown our capacity. Help us continue to grow by donating to our Environmental Education Center.