Westmoreland Sanctuary
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Trails & Visiting

Our hiking trails are free and open 7 days a week, 365 days a year, from dawn to dusk. The Sanctuary maintains 640 acres with 8.5 miles of interconnecting trails.

Our Nature Center, located at the entrance to our preserve, is home to live animals (including rabbits, birds, and turtles) and educational exhibits. Our two restrooms are located within the Nature Center. Entry is free and the building is open 7 days a week, 9 AM - 5 PM. There are picnic tables located around the Nature Center which are ideal for eating your lunch and for bird watching.


Our Store is located in our Nature Center. We sell books, t-shirts, genuine New York Maple Syrup, and more. Purchases help support Westmoreland’s trails, conservation work, and educational programs. All members receive a 10% discount on regularly-priced store items.


We also have a Terrace Garden, located next to our Nature Center. This fully fenced-in area features a pond which is home to frogs and turtles. It also has a playhouse and benches and is ideal for picnicking. The Garden is a favorite of small children, their parents, and individuals who need a place to relax. It is also wheelchair accessible.

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