Westmoreland Sanctuary
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College & Post-Baccalaureate Internships

We offer internships in environmental conservation and environmental education all year round for students enrolled in college or recently graduated from college. We are flexible on times and dates for interns currently taking classes.


Length of Internship:  8 weeks or more. We can also accommodate semester-long internships.

Stipend:  From time to time there is a stipend available— the amount is to be determined.

College Credit: We have successfully worked with colleges in the past for interns to receive academic credit in exchange for their work at Westmoreland.

Application Process:  Please submit a cover letter, resume, and 2 references to info@westmorelandsanctuary.org. Earlier applications will be more successful in securing a stipend.

Our Natural Resources and Wildlife Management plan designates 6 conservation islands — habitats of special interest on which we focus our habitat restoration efforts. Within these conservation islands, interns will conduct invasive species removal and reintroduce native species, install deer fencing, and measure water quality where applicable.

All interns will perform a research project involving field work, a literature review, and a final report. The report will become a part of our Natural Resources and Wildlife Management Plan.


Past Research Projects:

  • Rusty Crayfish & Native Crayfish
  • Aquatic Macroinvertebrates
  • Native Turtles
  • Native Pollinators
  • Native Wildflowers
  • Invasive Plant Species
  • Water Quality

For additional information, please email info@westmorelandsanctuary.org or call (914) 666-8448.

Thank You to Our 2021 Internship Sponsors: