Westmoreland Sanctuary
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Pre-K Programs

Pre-K Adventures

Come outside and experience nature with your child. Meet and interact with animals from around the world up close and personal. Wander the woods to learn about mammals, birds, plants, and many other natural wonders. Get your hands dirty exploring a pond, follow the footsteps of wild animals, and build a wilderness fort. Our Pre-K curriculum covers animal adaptations, forest health, pond ecology, weather, and more in an engaging way for young learners. It also comports with New York state educational guidelines.

To schedule a program: 

    • Please call a Westmoreland Sanctuary teacher (914) 666-8448
    • This private program charges $8.00 during the week for members and $12.00 for non-members
    • The minimum size for the program is at least ten children.
    • 2 to 6 months advance sign-up is recommended to ensure the desired dates. https://westmorelandsanctuary.org/pre-k/


Ages: Children must be aged three or older (with a parent or guardian)

Location: Westmoreland Sanctuary’s Nature Center

By request.