Westmoreland Sanctuary
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Who We Are

Our Mission:


To acquire, conserve, and enrich land for the free use, education, and enjoyment of all.

There's More at Westmoreland...

Westmoreland Sanctuary is a not-for-profit, independent nature center and wildlife preserve located in Westchester County, New York. Our land spans three towns: Bedford, Mount Kisco, and Armonk. Our preserve is 669 acres with 8.5 miles of hiking trails. Access to these trails, along with our Natural Science Museum, is free and open 365 days a year.


Trails: The trails are open sunrise to sunset. We have multiple gorgeous bodies of water that can be seen from our trails, including Bechtel Lake, a popular spot to stop and eat lunch. All of our lakes and streams are part of the Mianus River Watershed.

Education: We offer a variety of outdoor environmental education programs for all ages. Our programs take place all-year-round and cultivate an enthusiastic love of nature. Our hands-on curricula for children and young adults incorporates the Next Generation Science Standards, the cornerstone of New York and Connecticut science education. Our over 100+ programs span a wide array of topics including maple sugaring, bird banding, and floral design.

Conservation: We concentrate our efforts on certain unique and fragile habitats. This maximizes our protection of our community from climate change and preserving air, water, and soil quality. You can join us by becoming a volunteer or participating in our internship program.

History: Westmoreland Sanctuary was established in 1957, by Helen Clay Frick, as a sanctuary for wildlife and visitors alike. It originally began as a single parcel of land that was only 85 acres. Contiguous parcels of land were donated and purchased over the years until it reached the 669 acres it is today. In 1973, the Nature Center was reconstructed from a 200-year-old church that originally stood in Bedford Village, NY.