Westmoreland Sanctuary


We offer a variety of programs involving nature, survival skills, and environmentalism to help Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts earn badges and learn valuable skills.


We will tailor programs to cover specific topics or goals.


We also offer pack meetings, overnight trips, and night programs.

Year Round Programs

  • Fire building
  • Outdoor cooking (additional $5.00 per scout)
  • Knot tying
  • Shelter building
  • Orienteering
  • Tracking
  • Hiking
  • Animal identification
  • Plant identification
  • Biomimicry
  • Bluebird house construction (additional $4.00 per scout)


  • Bird banding
  • Pond ecology
  • Vernal pools


  • Bird banding
  • Pond ecology


  • Bird banding
  • Pond ecology


  • Maple sugaring
  • Winter tree identification
  • Animals in winter
  • Candle making
  • Vernal pools (February)

Orienteering Meets

Westmoreland Sanctuary partners with Hudson Valley Orienteering twice a year for an orienteering meet in the fall and the spring. Orienteering combines the terrain of the great outdoors with the thrill of a scavenger hunt. It is popular amongst scouts of all ages and can help troops meet badge requirements.

Our next orienteering meet is scheduled for October 22nd.

Eagle Scouts

Westmoreland Sanctuary works with Eagle Scout candidates, but we are not certified to be Eagle Scout Mentors.

We offer a variety of outdoor projects that benefit the community and help conserve the environment for Eagle Scouts. Contact Steve Ricker via email at sricker@westmorelandsanctuary.org for more information.


Refund Policy:

Westmoreland Sanctuary provides refunds only if the Sanctuary cancels a program or event for any reason. Refunds are not issued for personal reasons related to individuals, families, or groups. If a participant is unable to attend, payment may be reallocated as a donation or applied to another program.